Laymen’s Ministry
This ministry gives diligence to the discipleship of men, by way of Christian teachings, mentoring boys, outreach projects, fellowships and other related activities.
Thursday Bible Studies Ministries
The Thursday Bible Study has devotional Bible studies on Thursday at 6:00 P.M. The first thirty minutes are for Prayer Meetings.
Women’s Ministry
This ministry gives diligence to the discipleship of all the women, by way of Christian teachings, mentoring girls, outreach projects, fellowships and other related activities.
Deacon Ministry
This ministry gives diligence to assisting the Pastor with advisement, worship affairs, visitation, benevolent affairs, modeling Christian character, and other related activities.
Greeters Ministry
This ministry gives diligence to welcoming our guest and members upon arrival on the premises.
Music Ministries
These ministries give diligence to providing godly song service. The Mass Choir is our premier choir, which sings a variety of styles almost every Sunday and when we have fellowship services. The Male Chorus is known for traditional male chorus type songs. The Praise team sings during the opening of all worship services.
Ushers Ministry
This ministry gives diligence to congregational orderliness. Young people (i.e., ages 6 and up) are invited to join in with the adults. The usher ministry covers all worship services.
Church Clerk
This ministry keeps a number of official records.
Finance Ministry
This ministry gives diligence to counting and banking the church’s money.
Kitchen Ministry
This ministry gives diligence to managing kitchen affairs and preparing and/or coordinating food for repasts and all ministry related fellowship.
Property and Business Affairs Ministry
This ministry gives diligence to keeping the church in a presentable fashion and carrying out approved enhancements projects. This group also advices the Pastor on business affairs of the church like insurance policies, incorporation issues, and attorney representation.
Transportation Ministry
This ministry gives diligence to providing van transportation for church events, especially worship services and Bible studies.
* Girlz Talk
* Empowering Young Men
* Youth Choir
* Praise Team
* Zoom Tutoring
* Educational Training
* Youth Scholarship Program
* Airmen Basketball (11-4 When the Gym is open)
* Highschool Service Community Work Program